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Legio Sound & Music

Professional audio content marketplace and licensing service.



Legio Sound & Music is a platform (marketplace) for the licensing and distribution of high-quality audio materials, designed for use in film production, commercials, and other media products.

LSM provides a comprehensive solution for professionals in the field of sound design, offering powerful tools for searching, managing, and licensing quality audio materials.

  • What We Did
  • Software Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Deployment


Key components & subsystems

Track Library and Customer Dashboard

The track library and customer dashboard are implemented as a SPA using Vue.js with nuxt.js for server-side rendering.

Key Features:

  • Advanced search for music and sound tracks with listening and downloading capabilities.
  • Catalogs conveniently structured by labels, albums, authors, and playlists.
  • Tools for creating and managing personal playlists and projects.
  • Automated generation of reports and music reference notes.
Control Panel

The control panel is implemented as a SPA using Vue.js.

The control panel is used to manage the audio materials library, users, and the licensing of purchased (downloaded) materials.

Key Features:

  • Tools for managing the catalog of music and sound tracks.
  • Capabilities for bulk upload and processing of audio materials.
  • Management of user accounts and subscriptions.
  • Analytical reports on user activity.
Server Side

The server side is implemented using Laravel, with the utilization of a Mysql database and associated solutions (redis, ffmpeg, an additional node.js backend for websockets, and others).

Key Features:

  • Efficient processing of large and heavy audio files.
  • Functions for extracting, writing meta-information, encoding, and compressing audio.
  • Distributed and fault-tolerant data storage.
  • API for the website and control panel.

Features and Tools

Online Player

Quick track preview without the need for a full download. Features include saving listening history, visualizing the sound wave, switching to the next track in the list, and more.

Online Player
Track info

Detailed Track Information

Legio Sound & Music boasts a database of audio materials that includes comprehensive track details, encompassing a multitude of track attributes.

Filter and Search

Legio Sound & Music stores detailed information for each track, necessary for precise classification and rapid search of relevant materials.

Personal Playlists

Personal Playlists

Personal projects (playlists) which allow for the grouping of materials for various tasks and sharing them with colleagues.

Language Versions

Legio Sound & Music provides two language versions: English and Russian. The system incorporates interface translation and additional attributes for language versions of tracks, classifiers, authors, and other entities.

Language Versions
The screenshots used may not correspond to the current version of the project,
as the work continues even after first release of the project.

Design. Develop. Deliver.