Auxiliary processes outsource automation software

About the Project
Easy Partners Group provides outsourcing services for auxiliary processes to numerous companies. The company has a staff of more than 15,000 employees.
As part of the outsourcing, an employee is stationed at the client's site permanently or on shifts, depending on the contract terms. For cleaning services, it is also necessary to transport and replenish materials at the service sites.
Keeping track of employee's time on-site and managing materials involves many routine processes and paperwork that can be automated.
Design a system for tracking employee availability, creating timesheets and reports for clients, and accounting for goods and materials both in main warehouses and at service sites.
We designed and developed software with a web interface for the company's managers. The software addresses the main routine tasks of managing and accounting for outsourcing services and movement of materials, namely:
- Team
- Project Manager
- Valentin Lidin
- Georgy Poplavsky
- Developers
- Valentin Lidin
- Pavel Grishin
- Alexey Grishin
- QA
- Margarita Bakashova

Customers and Projects
Management of customers and their outsource projects.

Staff management. Recording and assignment of line staff to client sites.

Customer Portal
Customer Portal. Tickets, complaints, urgent services request.

Inventory Management
Control and recording of materials and supplies used by staff for on-site cleaning services.

Creation of timesheets, tools for timesheet approval with the customer, and cost recording.

Integration with "1C Payroll and HR" and "e-staff".
See Also